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AuthenTEAK Gives Back is dedicated to doing good beyond the backyard. With your help, we’re proud to support both local and national organizations committed to empowering and uplifting those in need.

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We believe actions speak louder than words. Through our AuthenTEAK Gives Back match program, employee donations to United Way of Greater Atlanta and St. Jude Research Hospital were matched dollar for dollar.

United Way of Greater Atlanta

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

AuthenTEAK Gives Back is a corporate philanthropy program dedicated to supporting and uplifting those in need. Through AuthenTEAK Gives Back, your purchase makes a difference not just for you but for those in need. With your help, we’ve been able to contribute to both local and national organizations, including United Way of Greater Atlanta, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Camp Twin Lakes, First Tee of Atlanta, Dolphins Cancer Challenge, 100 Hole Hike, Team Type 1, The American Friends of ISCD, Atlanta Community Food Bank, and Autism Speaks.

With a mission to bring beauty beyond the backyard, AuthenTEAK Gives Back is dedicated to making a difference.

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