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Add relaxing ambiance and a dash of opulence to your patio space with one of our outdoor patio wall fountains. Pairing eye-catching designs with durable, weatherproof materials, these lightweight outdoor wall fountains offer a simple way to upgrade your outdoor décor.
Select from a wide array of wall fountain styles – from lion motifs fit for a royal courtyard, to floral designs with a touch of Grecian charm. Each lightweight outdoor wall fountain re-circulates water through a built-in pump, creating a perpetual flow without wasting resources. Best of all, these patio wall fountains mount to your wall, letting you add an attractive water element to your outdoor space no matter what its size.
Each piece is crafted by Capital Garden, a leading manufacturer of lightweight outdoor wall fountains designed to last. Lightweight and easy to install, these fountains are constructed from rust-resistant and frost-proof materials, ensuring they’ll endure for years to come. They’re the perfect complement to a garden bench or an attractive outdoor planter. Treat yourself to a beautiful patio wall fountain and instantly create an eye-catching focal point that’s sure to impress.