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Fit your outdoor kitchen to your lifestyle with modular, quick-to-install outdoor kitchen islands from Haven Outdoor. These weather-resistant, prefabricated kitchen islands are compatible with Coyote and Artisan Grills and consist of multiple support points and a triple-coated powder coating, ensuring longevity and durability.
From unpackaging to cooking, Haven Outdoor outdoor kitchen islands are specifically designed to be installed in less than an hour.
Haven Outdoor prefabricated kitchen islands are made from weather-resistant aluminum, which results in a long-lasting addition to your backyard space.
Haven Outdoor prefabricated kitchen islands are made from weather-resistant aluminum, which results in a long-lasting addition to your backyard space (guaranteed with a 3-year warranty on all materials and the applied finish to be free from defects in the materials and workmanship). What’s more, from unpackaging to cooking, Haven Outdoor outdoor kitchen islands are specifically designed to be installed in less than an hour.