Things You Can Do Now to Prep for Spring: How to Clean Throw Pillows and More
Spring prep
The arrival of spring heralds a long-awaited return to outdoor living – including lazy naps on the patio, tasty BBQ meals, and cozy nights by the fire pit. But before you can return to outdoor fun, you’ll probably need to do a little post-winter patio rehab. Preparing your furniture and yard for spring will make the transition to BBQ season smooth and seamless. Here are some tips for how to clean throw pillows, prep your grill, and get your patio furniture spring ready.

How to Get Your Patio Furniture Spring Ready
How you clean your furniture will depend entirely on the material your furniture is made from. However, some general tips that apply to all furniture include:
Remove any accumulated debris. Even if you covered your furniture for the winter, it’s likely your patio pieces will have some amount of twigs and dirt. Before cleaning, be sure to wipe away all debris.
Collect the appropriate materials. To clean your furniture, you’ll likely need water, a soft sponge or cloth, and some kind of cleaner. At AuthenTEAK, we love 303® Multi-Surface Cleaner and 303® Fabric Guard. Both products are recommended by leading manufacturers for their ability to remove stubborn stains and increase the longevity of outdoor furniture.
Clean your furniture on a sunny day. Ideally, you want to clean your furniture on a sunny day, as it will need to air dry. Therefore, be sure to check the weather before choosing your patio cleanup day.
To find the appropriate cleaning protocol for your furniture, you can check out our comprehensive outdoor furniture cleaning guide.

How to Clean Throw Pillows
In addition to cleaning the frame and structural parts of your outdoor furniture, you’ll want to clean your throw pillows. Just as with other furniture parts, how to clean throw pillows depends on the fabric your pillows are made from. At AuthenTEAK, we love to throw pillows made with Sunbrella Fabrics because they are stain-resistant, easy to clean, and aren’t affected by harsh disinfectants, such as bleach. While pillows made with other fabrics may lose their color or degrade when exposed to strong chemicals, Sunbrella Fabrics are made to withstand repeated cleaning.

Can you wash throw pillows? All outdoor throw pillows made from Sunbrella Fabrics can be washed. Here are some tips for handwashing and machine-washing pillows made with Sunbrella Fabrics:
Hand washing. To hand-wash, create a soapy solution of ¼ cup of gentle soap per gallon of lukewarm water. Use a sponge or soft brush to soak the pillow’s fabric. Then, thoroughly rinse to remove all soap residue and allow the pillows to air dry.
Machine-washing. If your pillows have removable casings, they can be cleaned in the washing machine. However, it’s important to check with your furniture manufacturer before taking the casings off, as pillow construction can vary. Be sure to close all the zippers and put the casings in cold water on the delicate cycle. After washing, allow the fabric to air dry.
Learning how to clean throw pillows properly will ensure your pillows are shiny and clean for spring entertaining.

How to Prep Your Grill
When the weather starts to warm up, grill masters start to get their BBQ itch. But before you fire up your grill on a sunny day to enjoy a burger, it’s important to get your cooking station ready for spring use. Be sure to scrape away any rust spots that might have popped up over the winter and give the inside and outside a thorough wipe down. Specifically, it’s important to take your grates off the grill and clean them with soap and water. Grates that haven’t been washed in a year or more may need to soak in a soapy solution for the grime to come off. Washing your grates will prevent your food from sticking when you fire up the grill.
You’ll also want to check the structural parts of your grill for damages. Inspect your burners for any holes. If you see any, you should replace those burners. Also, be sure to check your fuel tank hose for any leaks.
There’s nothing like the start of spring to get excited about outdoor living. With some simple preparation, you’ll have your patio prepared for spring use in no time. For more outdoor furniture informational guides and design tips, subscribe to our email list or follow us on Instagram.