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Experience grilling like never before with an infrared gas grill from Saber. Saber Grills powerfully utilize infrared technology inside a durable stainless steel housing, resulting in a reliable gas grill with cooking power that’s sure to impress. Saber Grills are available in both built-in and freestanding configurations and offer a wide variety of outdoor kitchen equipment to accompany the power of their gas grills.
Experience grilling like never before with an infrared gas grill from Saber. Saber Grills powerfully utilize infrared technology inside durable stainless steel housing, resulting in a reliable gas grill with cooking power that’s sure to impress. Although both traditional convective heat and infrared heat are powered by gas burners, infrared burners provide a source of direct heat while traditional gas grill burners heat indirectly. Traditional gas grill burners utilize convective heat, which means the burners heat the air and then cook the food. The main disadvantage of convective heat is that in order for hot air to cook food it has to break through the food’s moisture boundary – causing the food to dry out.
Infrared burners heat food directly without having to break through the moisture boundary, resulting in juicy and flavorful food. Infrared technology helps simplify grilling by preheating quickly and drastically reducing the number of flareups. Saber also takes pride in the even heat that their infrared burners distribute, eliminating hot spots and uneven cooking surfaces found on traditional gas grills. Discover Saber Grills and find out why infrared grilling has taken the BBQ industry by storm.